Wednesday, September 25, 2024

November 14 is the Deadline to Change your Grading Option to Pass/D/Fail

The deadline to change your grading option to PDF is November 14, 2024.  Note you may change your grading option to PDF in only one class per term.  Grades of P will satisfy General Education Requirements;  They will not count towards major requirement.  You will have until the end of the registration period (the second Friday of term) of the Spring 2025 semester to uncover a grade of P received in Fall 2024. 

Barnard students will use SSOL to elect P/D/F grading

-Click here to elect Fall 2024 course for P/D/F grading.  (Use a browser other than Safari).

-Click on P/D/F grading then Grading Option Change Request.

This form can be used to elect Pass/D/Fail for a course where that option is not available in SSOL.

To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election  - or switch the election to a different class (this must be done prior to the P/D/F grading deadline):

-Go to and go to Pass/D/Fail Uncover.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

REPOST Never miss a deadline!: Add the Barnard Academic Calendar to your gBear calendar with one click!

Worrying about keeping track registration dates, add/drop deadlines, p/d/f and W deadlines, and the like?

The Registrar has you covered with its Google Calendar version of the Academic Calendar -- you can add this to your gBear calendar with just one click!  Registration and add/drop periods for fall are already added in, so this will help you ASAP

I'm in!  How can I add the Barnard Academic Calendar to my gBear Calendar?

1.  Go to (or, honestly, just google-search "Barnard Academic Calendar" -- that's how I find it every time...)

2.  Click on View Barnard's academic calendar on Google Calendar (note: you must be logged into gBear to access this!). 

3.  In the google calendar that opens, go to the bottom right-hand corner and click on the blue square with the white plus sign (you'll know you're in the right place because when you hover your mouse there, text saying "Add to Google Calendar" will pop up).

4. Once you've added the calendar, set up notifications. Some recommended settings:

Can I take more than 19 credits in a semester?

 Q: I heard it's possible for students to get permission from their adviser to take more than 19 credits. Is that true, and if so, how/when can I get permission?

AYes, in rare cases, and only once the semester has begun. You may request adviser permission* for more than 19 credits only during the final registration period (Sept 3-13 for fall 2024), using this online form

NOTE: Approval after the registration deadline is by petition only.

*Please note that these requests will only be granted for urgent reasons, such as completion of a major, a minor, or for graduation requirements.


Q: What if I get in off a waitlist that puts me over the limit?

A: If you are removed from a waitlist and temporarily find yourself in more than 19 credits, you will need to drop the "extra" class or receive approval to exceed the limit 

Warning: if you neither request permission nor drop below 19 credits, the registrar will drop you from the most recently added class.

Deadline: November 14 is the deadline to change your grading option to Pass/D/Fail

 You may now change your grading option to Pass/D/Fail.  Starting this term, there are a few new policies and procedures.

1.  You will change your grading option on SSOL.   Further instructions on how to do this are here, on the registrar's website.  If SSOL does not allow you to make the change, you can use this form.  

2. You may only elect one class per semester for P/D/F grading.  This is in addition to any class that is only offered P/F.  

As in the past, grades of P will not count for a major or minor.  They can count for General Education Requirements.  Professors do not know that you have elected to change your grading option; they will issue a letter grade, and provided it is a C- or better, it will be covered by a grade of P.  (A grade of D or F will show up.)  You will be able to see the grade they awarded on SSOL; and you have until the end of the second week of the following term (in this case, January 31, 2025) to uncover it.  

Deadline: Tuesday, October 8 is the last day to drop a Fall 2024 class


Until October 8, you can drop a class from your Fall 2024 schedule.  The class will be completely removed from your record.  (Note that after October 8, and until November 14, you can still withdraw from a class and receive the mark of W.)  You must stay enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits. 

Dropping a class is a two-phase process.  Here is what to do: 

1.  Fill out this Slate form with a request to drop a specific class.  It will go to your adviser for their review 

2.  If the drop is approved, you will receive an email with special instructions on how to drop the class in Student Planning.

Adding a class after registration

 Argh my prof said I got in off the waitlist but it's after the registration deadline! Oh no; I forgot to add my zero-credit discussion section and now Student Planning won't let me!

Can't add something you totally have permission to join because it's the week after registration? In many cases you will need to petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing, but in some more straightforward cases, you can submit the Online Add Form, which will allow you to upload confirmation emails from the instructor and your adviser.

When can I use the Add Form?

  • Add a course (after the course registration deadline) for which you are waitlisted
  • Add a discussion or recitation section
  • Add a lab or zero-point course
  • Add a PE or Dance course
  • Add a short course that has not yet begun
  • Change Sections of a course (eg. section 02 to section 01)
  • Change levels (eg. French II to French I) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Repost: Calling all Juniors who still need to complete the PE Requirement!


There are still seats available in PE classes this fall -- if you are a junior who still needs to complete this requirement, please sign up for one!  Classes start the week of September 9.  Please plan to enroll in an open section or get on a waitlist, and plan (in either case) to attend the first class. Please send any questions to

The Deadline to Withdraw From a Spring 2025 Class is March 27

  How do I withdraw from a class (now that the drop deadline has passed)? The deadline to withdraw from a spring 2025 class is Thursday,  Ma...