Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Need an extra credit or two this spring? Here are a few options

Doing that degree-audit arithmetic and need one or two more credits?

If you're having trouble getting up to the number of credits you need and are looking for a 1-2-credit course to add, here are some options and tips. 

**Be sure to check course descriptions for special registration procedures or necessary permissions.

Know of something that's not on here? Email, and we'll add it!

1-2 credit course options:

1. Fulfill your PE requirement if you haven't yet.
Register online and be sure to attend the first class meeting. Students may earn no more than 2 PE credits total.

Pro Tip:
Unfortunately, there is little to no space in PE for students who want this as an elective. Only students who have not yet completed the PE requirement will be able to preregister for PE. The only way to attempt to register for elective PE is to attend in person once PE classes begin and see if space is available then.

Dance, on the other hand (see below!), often has space

2. Take a dance class
Dance classes -- now 2 credits! -- may initially appear in your myBarnard program as 0 credits -- if you don't change this when registering, you can fill out the Form to Request a Point of Dance Credit.

Pro Tip:  Make sure you are not attempting to exceed the Studio Credit maximum.

3. Depending on your background and interests, here are some popular ways to enrich your academic experience while also adding a credit or two. 

Pro tips:

  • Some of these may be full, but you may be able to join a waiting list.
  • Be sure to check course descriptions for prerequisites or special registration procedures!
a. For students who sing, play an instrument, or want to know more about music:

b. For  students with some computer programming experience:
If offered:

Programming Languages -- COMS-W3101.
Development Technology -- COMS-W3102

Check Computer Science Course Listings for current options. Sometimes these classes are added later than others, so if you don't see them now, you might find them during the fall semester.

c. If you're interested in Physics/Astronomy, Biology, Environmental Science, Psychology

Contact your department to see if you can earn credit for supervised research in a professor's lab


Introduction to Research Skills in Astrophysics - ASTR2910UN


Introduction to Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology - EEEB1005UN



d. Workshops in some Social Science and Humanities fields:

Religion Salon: New DirectionsRELI3996BC


Russian Through Theater - RUSS3107UN

f. If you're interested in Theatre, Dance, or Backstage work:
Practicum or Rehearsal & Performance (Theatre or Dance) -- for actors, dancers, stage managers, prop or costume makers, and theatre tech people. Check the course description to see who to contact if you are interested.

 Pro Tip:  Make sure you are not attempting to exceed the Studio Credit maximum.

g. If you have background in some languages and want to improve your fluency:

Check the course listings for 2-credit Intermediate or Advanced Conversation classes in FrenchItalian, or German,

Or supervised readings in languages -- varies each semester: past options have included Dutch, Sinhala, and Zulu.

h. If you're interested in International Affairs, Political Science, and/or Economics: consider a "short course" at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)
*check the course description for "course date" to see when the course starts & ends*
One of the "short courses" offered by the School for International & Public Affairs (SIPA). Search Vergil for SIPA courses between 1 and 2 credits, or the SIPA page of the CU Directory of Classes for 1-1.5-credit courses. You can't just register online for these.  Here is the procedure:

  1. Review the course description to assess if the class is academic as opposed to professional development (Barnard will not give academic credit for nonacademic coursework)
  2. Contact the instructor to ask if there is space available and if it is appropriate for you given your background. Get any approvals in writing (email is fine).
  3. Contact your academic adviser for approval that the course appropriately fits into both your schedule and a liberal arts curriculum. Get this approval in writing as well
  4. Upload both approvals when submitting the online add form.


4. Search Vergil for courses of 1 or 2 credits.
You'll have to scroll through a lot of things that may not help you, like labs for courses you're not taking, courses limited to class years other than yours, but this will give you the most comprehensive listing.

Pro Tip:
Check the detailed course descriptions for prerequisites, restrictions, or special application procedures.

Need to talk to a class dean during Finals? Stop by 105 Milbank (or zoom if needed) any time 9am-5pm, Dec 13 & 16-20 for Class-Dean Drop-ins

Do you need help with a time-sensitive issue affecting your ability to take finals, complete coursework, etc.?

The Deans' Office for Advising and Support is here to help. There will be a dean available for drop-ins every day of finals week, 9am - 5pm.  Come see us in 105 Milbank, or if you are feeling under the weather, visit our zoom instead.  

Important End-of-the-Semester Information for Completion of Coursework


Barnard College

Dear Students,


As we come to the end of the fall semester, the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support wants to update you about final exam information and academic resources. We also want to remind you what to do if you experience anything that impacts your ability to complete work for your courses and final exams.


One of the most important things to remember if you are experiencing difficulties is to reach out to your instructor and/or Class Dean. Your class dean is available to discuss your specific situation and offer advice and options.


Academic Resources


•  Personal Librarians: As you complete your final assignments for this semester, contact Barnard Library’s research and instruction team (Personal Librarians) for any support needed around research-based assignments, including senior projects. Librarians are available for individual consultations about ways to access online research materials and meet citation requirements for your papers and projects. Personal Librarians can assist in finding e-books, full-text articles, and open access sources. 
•  Center for Engaged Pedagogy: The CEP has put together helpful guides for time managementactive reading strategies, and a resource map that points you to various supports.
•  Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS): Students who are registered with the Barnard Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS) and have accommodations should be in touch with CARDS as needed to ensure that their accommodations align with end-of-term assignments. If a faculty member has specific questions about how to implement accommodations in their courses, CARDS is available for individual consultation at
•  Deans’ Office Walk-in Hours (exam week only): If you have an emergent situation and need to consult with a dean during exam week, stop by 105 Milbank any time from 9:00am-5:00 pm (Friday, December 13th through Friday, December 20th, not including weekend days) to see the available dean on call. If you are feeling ill, please note that we can meet with you over zoom instead. Please contact for the zoom link.




All students and instructors are expected to follow the official exam schedule. If you find yourself scheduled for three exams within a 24-hour period or four within 48 hours, you should fill out this form.


If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and/or have been advised by the College to quarantine and/or isolate when you otherwise would be taking an in-person exam, please be in touch with your Class Dean to discuss possible options. Individual faculty members have discretion to allow or deny requests to take an exam at a time different than originally scheduled. If you need assistance with communicating with an instructor, you may contact your Class Dean.




Students may defer an exam due to illness or personal emergency on the day of the exam. If you need to request a deferral, you must:


a) Email your instructor, copying your class dean, on the day of the exam requesting a deferred exam.


b) You must also submit an official request for a deferred exam in Slate. You will need to upload an approval email from your instructor when you submit the Slate form.


c) Deferred exams will be given on Friday, January 24, 2025 and Monday, January 27, 2025. After submitting the Request for a Deferred Exam form, you will receive a confirmation email. It is your responsibility to check the registrar's website and your Barnard email the previous week for the details of your deferred exam.

Please be aware that deferred exams cannot be requested in advance of exam week. For more information, visit and scroll down to "Final and Deferred Exams." 




If you become ill during an examination:


a) inform the proctor

b) hand in the exam, and

c) call Primary Care Health Services at 212-854-2091 to make an appointment.


If you've completed less than 40 minutes of a two-hour exam or less than one hour of a three-hour exam, you qualify for a deferred exam (see above.) If you leave the exam more than 40 minutes into a two-hour exam or more than an hour into a three-hour exam, you'll be graded on the basis of the work you've completed to that point.




Incompletes are to be given only in cases of illness, personal emergency, or other compelling circumstances. If you need to request an Incomplete, and the instructor is amenable, please be in touch with your faculty member via email to obtain their approval. From there, you will need to submit an Incomplete Request Form in Slate. You will need to upload email confirmation from your instructor when you submit the Slate form. Note that these requests should be received by Thursday, December 12 (the end of Reading Period). 


As a reminder, the official College deadline for completing Fall 2024 Incomplete coursework is Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Individual faculty may also set an earlier deadline for the work to be completed. Please note that incompletes apply only to coursework exclusive of the final examination. For more information, visit and scroll down to "Incomplete Grades."




Final grades are indeed final. Grades may be changed only in cases of clerical error or in the rare event that the instructor needs to reevaluate the work of the entire class. Grades may not be recalculated on the basis of reexamination or the submission of additional or revised work. 




As you write papers or complete exams, whether in a proctored environment or in the comfort of your residence hall or off-campus residence, keep the College's Honor Code ( in mind. Under pressure, it can sometimes be tempting to make a regrettable decision, such as using untrustworthy and undocumented sources, collaborating on an exam, not following proper citation methods on a paper, or claiming someone else's work as your own. Doing something that might violate the Honor Code is NEVER the way to respond to a difficult or pressured academic situation. There's always a better choice. Please also be aware that any misrepresentation of your circumstances in order to obtain an exam deferral or an incomplete is a violation of the Honor Code. An additional word of caution: it is your responsibility as a student to be aware of your professor’s individual stance on the use of generative AI (ex. ChatGPT). If you are not sure about whether the use of generative AI is permitted in a course, you must consult with your instructor for additional guidance before using generative AI. Note that the Honor Code states that students must responsibly use electronic, print and other resources.  




Please be advised that all students should be aware of Barnard’s academic standing policy (please scroll down on this page to “Academic Standing and Degree Progress”) and how incomplete grades, deferred exams and/or withdrawal grades may impact a student’s academic standing. To discuss your academic standing, please contact your Class Dean


We wish you all the best as you complete your work for the semester, and hope you have a restful, restorative winter break.



Holly Tedder

Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising

Keep track of Spring 2025 deadlines by downloading the academic calendar

Worrying about keeping track registration dates, add/drop deadlines, p/d/f and W deadlines, and the like? The Registrar has you covered with...