How do I drop a summer Columbia class?
If you are dropping a Columbia Summer class but not all of your summer CU classes, you may drop via SSOL. If SSOL does not cooperate, please fill out this Registration Adjustment Form and reach out to your Class Dean, who will need to sign it and can submit it.
What are the deadlines to drop a summer class and receive a full tuition refund?
Summer A Session
May 26 is the deadline to drop a summer session A class and receive a full refund.
You may drop a summer session A as late as June 19, but you will be responsible for tuition and fees.
Full-Term Summer Session (Summer X)
May 26 is the deadline to drop a summer session X class and receive a full refund.
You may drop a summer session X class as late as July 17, but you will be responsible for tuition and fees.
Summer B Session
July 10 is the deadline to drop a summer session B class and receive a full refund.
You may drop a summer session B class from your schedule as late as July 31, but you will be responsible for tuition and fees.
Can I take my summer class for PDF grading?
In theory, yes, but because Columbia summer courses are considered transfer credit, you will only be able to transfer your Columbia summer courses to Barnard if you take them for a letter grade and earn at least a C-.If, knowing all that, you still want to take a Columbia summer class p/d/f, the deadline to change your grading option for Summer A courses is June 19. For Summer B courses it is July 31. For Summer X courses it is July 17.
I want to drop all of my summer classes (even if all=1); how do I do that?
In order to drop all of your CU summer courses, thereby withdrawing from the summer term entirely:
- Consult with your Barnard Class Dean
- Barnard Class Dean signs Approval to Withdraw form (click here).
- Student fills out Summer Non-SPS Withdrawal Request Student Form and uploads signed approval.
- Student receives confirmation from
Please refer to the CU Summer Academic Calendar and to this page, which includes more details about refunds and drop and withdrawal processes. If you have questions about your refund, please reach out to if you have any questions at all.
I heard that this takes three weeks to process! Should I be concerned?
Refunds, drops and transcript notations should be based on the date of form submission, not the date the form is processed -- please be in touch with the Columbia Summer School ( with any questions.
Additional reason not to worry: Unlike summer 2021, this year as in all previous years, Columbia Summer courses are considered transfer credit, so only completed CU summer courses that you pass with at least a C- and for which you have also submitted an approved Summer Course Approval Form will appear on your Barnard transcript.
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